Tuesday, June 27, 2006

lady bugs...

Last night I watched Under the Tuscan Sun for maybe the 3rd or 4th time... w/ my roomie matt (his 20th or 21st time). No, it may not be cinema at its finest and yes it has its cheesy parts, but something about it moves and inspires me and I like it! Matt, who always quotes from movies ... has gleamed from this one ... "lady bugs."

There is a character in the movie that is ?? fanciful. She walks around soaking in the pleasures of life, beauty, tastes, touch, etc. The main character is mournful of her ruined marriage and is in a state of sulk when Fanciful tells her to just live her life.. and things will come... look for it and you will struggle.. (sleeping and waking up to ladybugs).

A few other things hit me in this movie (besides bawling to the part where her workers have finished the house)... bad ideas, enthusiasm, family and taking off and starting a new life...

1. main character mentions something being a horrible idea... Fanciful replies... "horrible ideas, aren't they wonderful" :) it spoke to me because I'm not a fan of the tried and true.. well I am .. unless it blinds you to the possibilities, maybes and what ifs

2. always keep the enthusiam of a child (or something like that)... how many times do people rein in their excitement due to inner critics, fear of outer critics etc. screw it... enthusiasm!

3. family.. not sure this is the word I want to use... but.. maybe more of ...?? taking time.. to watch, interact, get to know your envirnoment, plants, home, life, people...

4. and the last one is self explanatory... ever since I was a little girl.. loved movies or stories that had to do with taking off... starting over... funny.. doesn't it make sense?? if you have never really been a fan of your life.. why continue to live it in the same way, location, etc. etc.. hmmmm

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