Friday, May 28, 2010

porsche, road trip...

Ok.. I had a dream I was driving a car then realized it was my car.. then realized it was a very nice car and then was kind of coming to reality that my life has changed.

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I was driving back from ?? somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean I guess, because next stop was NY driving west from the road. I had driven this trip several times (in the dream)... and was remembering I part enjoyed it... and was partly dreading how long it was. Then I tried to stop that thought and thought... just focus on each moment and enjoy it. Then I went off the path a bit adn there were all these tree branches etc. I thought.. the car can't make it down here, I must not go this way normally. I explored a little. There were these strange orchids that had pod feet that you could stick to any surface and they would grow. They were quite pretty. Then some strange alligators and man eating fish that were about the size of an oblong Frisbee. I turned to leave. Then I was in a house and clearing out the rest of my stuff. Odds n Ends like at the end of a move, but it was where someone else lived as well. I found some things I thought I had lost. I could tell the person was anxious for me to get my stuff finally and get moving. I told him about the fish and he shrugged and said.. those things are everywhere.

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