Dreamed I owned a pub. It days before openning, people were milling around getting things set up. I felt like they all knew each other. Either they worked together before, or were part of the pub scene and were all leaving their places to come work together. The pub was in a different country either england or ireland. I was thinking to myself, was this a good idea? Wouldn't it have been easier to start a pub in the US? I know the ways of doing biz there and so on? But then I thought no... it takes the same skills, you just need to learn the little nuances of the rules here.
I was in a store like one of those pharmacy mart type stores. They had these little scooter things you run around the store in. I got on one and was running around seeing if the items I had bought in a previous purchase were still being carried so that I could return them. I had some christmas items and things. I was buzzing around the store and the older ladies working the store had their aprons on and made little conversation here and there and checking to see if I was finding everything ok. They felt cozy and unhurried. I felt uncomfortable because I just wanted to do what I needed and leave. I didn't feel nice in that I felt cold and rigid and they felt sweet and kind
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I dreamed I had a baby... not just was holding one, but just actually birthed one. It was very strange. They put the baby on my chest and I felt kind of nice towards it but at the same time felt like...when did this happen?!?!?! But there it was, so I needed to take care of it. Then it turned from a baby into a cat. They told me it was going to turn into a lion, so I had better be careful and give it everything it needs or I might have a mishap. It had gotten away, so I went around in a panic looking for it. Had I not fed it enough food and it was going to attack the neighbor or?? I finally found it and it had jumped back in to its cage/bed and was curled up. I felt there was no need to worry. Things would work out.
Dreamed I was supposed to meet this woman. She is currently a vendor I work with. She was picking me up and taking me somewhere and I had fallen asleep in her car. I woke up near the end of the long drive and apologized and felt very rummy and out of it. She said it was ok, but her face said differently. I think she was annoyed and feeling like I was a bit of a project. She said she had to take some items to the resale shop, so I waited in the car and watched as they went through her things.It seems she had a lot of nice things she was giving away and the store was quite a treasure trove. We left from there to go to a workshop of sorts that I found she was holding. It was in a strip mall in one of the empty retail spaces. Folding metal chairs were lined up classroom style and she was preparing in the front. People were milling in that all seemed to know each other and what she was about to speak about. I turned to look at her and realized I knew her from a session I had with her. She was some sort of ???? counselor/mystic and I completely didn't join the two. I immediately felt at ease around her then. She was starting to give her presentation but people were still passing out things.. one man put a dish in front of our table that looked like something wasabi and soy would go in. He put an "aromatic" in it (his words) and said for us to inhale it. Another woman was putting a drop of an oil on her breast and "serving it" that way. I passed on that one. Then Liam Neeson was in the back. He looked as he did in clash of the titans, but in robes. He was an evil presence there. He was trying to spoil her presentation and go after people, me being one of them. I conversed with him for a second (not sure what I said... but I think I was playing dumb to get away), then I ran out.
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