Friday, March 04, 2011

shallow sea and back-combing

I was on the ocean or sea. As in floating on top of it. If I had not been floating, it would be a few inches down to the bottom. It was very calm, a slight breeze, and easy to float on. I felt like I wish everyone could feel this ease and calmness. There was much more to it, but it faded...


Another dream where Reese Witherspoon was telling me how I should do my hair. She was speaking with a souther accent and telling me that for more volume, I need to back comb. Now she had just complimented me on my hair, and I never back comb, but she felt I should be doing it as if it is by some miracle that I have gone this far in life without doing it. As she started to do it I just could feel all of my hair snapping and breaking... it  was a point of no return. Even though part of me felt like Luke Skywalker dangling in space with one hand missing agonzing .... another part of me just shrugged and thought, this too will pass and it is making her feel good.

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