Wednesday, October 16, 2013

buffalo run

I dreamt that I was coming up on a stretch of road. It felt like I had driven through the small town just east of where I grew up and then was driving this odd stretch of road that went over a sort of wetland area. It was like a gateway to a different place. Not just a different town or city, but a different feeling. In my dream, the road wasn't the same. It was very very high up and not made of pavement. It was as though it was all made of dark brown rich looking earth. The street that would normally be one road together, had a deep ravine between the way east and the way west. You couldn't just do a U'y and change direction. Just approaching the road, I could see a grouping of trees in the distance south of the road. I'm not sure if it was large enough to call woods... but there were animals. I saw a huge buffalo running in the field near the trees. It seemed to be playing, not headed in any particular direction. I wanted to get a photo of it before it took off and send it to RVB. I was sure he hadn't seen a wild one before. I laid flat on my stomach to approach the edge of the road. I knew before I reached it, that it would be high and I was very scared of falling. I went to the edge and it was even higher up than I imagined. My heart was racing and in my mind I was checking the location of each part of my body and if it was on solid grounding. At the same time, I knew I needed to get a pic quick if I was going to do it.

Then I was across the road. I was with some guy I didn't know that sort of looked like Jamie Oliver. In my dream, we were in his small humble home in the living room, which had about enough space for a comfy chair, a small table and a small tv... the old box shaped kind. He was getting ready for a wedding. He was going to be the DJ, but it seemed he was in charge of other things as well. We seemed to be good friends... either that or we had a lot of mutual respect for each other and wanted to spend time together. He seemed really concerned and busy making his preparations and I was in my own world thinking of things I wanted to think about. It was nice.. neither of us needed the other to do anything, but enjoyed being in the same space... watching and being energized by each other being energized by doing what we wanted to do.

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