Thursday, January 04, 2007

2007 - Day 4 - dream

Dream from last night...
Was on some sort of race, but through a town/village. A running race, in street clothes, had a purse over my shoulder, etc. I know I was ahead for the most part and doing well. At one point I stopped (can't remember why) and was slowed a bit.. I needed shoes or?? something. This young fella, blondish with a beard (kind of bohemian, NW outdoorsy) was helping me with supplies. He was very kind, looked down at me and said: "you know I'm am here for you anytime you need something." Was a nice feeling for a sec... then I went off running again and realized I took the wrong route that would set me back a bit and put me on the other side of a river from the race. I ran and hopped on this small wooden ferry and just made it. There were three blond women on there who were saying things to me that were very rude/hurtful etc. The seemed like rich girls, covered in nice clothes, blond streaks, machine tanned, eyeliner and bleached teeth. They were so mean and I felt they were going to create some sort of small hell for me so as I ran by, I pushed two of them in the river :-s and then ran past the next one.. then I woke up. I know there was more to it, but can't remember at the moment.


I need to get myself sorted. I have been ping ponging, which usually means there is something I'm not taking care of. Car is working, taking care of health (exercise, nutrition, etc.), everything is done at work so I'm thinking it must be a planning thing, what do I do next with my life.. what do I want.. and so on.

Also.. part of me feels like getting rid of the old to make room for the new. IE... I have lots of "things" that have memories to them.. do I keep them? Sometimes I think I'd feel so free if I didn't have all that. Sometimes I feel like it is proof that I have been here or a representative of my life so far. Hmm not sure. Getting rid of this stuff isn't like cutting your hair ... the stuff won't grow back. I need a time capsule company that will hold all my items like that... just in case I ever get married, have kids, grandkids ... and they want to know about grandma. Maybe write a secret novel as well.. that they can only read after I'm gone. ;)

ok.. back to work I suppose...

Oh! signed up for a tap class - starts next week - updates on that later
and a speed reading class... was bored
and at some point can update on the trip to UK . I can't call it a vacation. It was a "trip" .... head trip, travel trip, etc.

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