Thursday, January 05, 2012

non solutions

I dreamt that there was a healthy way that dancers and ballerinas ate. I was shown this "secret" diet and it was sweet potatoes, pineapple, greens and I forgot the rest. I was kind of excited because I liked all of the foods. ------ I dreamt that my car had been hit a little and I wanted to save money, so I was going to trade it in for a lesser car. A guy from work (MB) was helping me. He was nice and bumble-y and really thought that he was helping me out.He showed me the first car I could have. It was the vice president's (of the company I work for BG) 7 series BMW that he had wrecked. I told him I didn't want a wrecked car and especially not one that used that much gas. So he offered me a look at another and it was even in worse condition. I told him I wanted my old car back and I would just fix it. Neither of these solutions were solutions. ------ I dreamt that I met a friend of mine from the Netherlands (WW)at a Chinese food place in a foreign country. I think we had just gone to a movie together and then decided to have lunch and catch up. The waitress delivered us our mail at the table. I had received a post card that he had sent me a while back and some long envelope which I was kind of excited to open because it was an odd shape. More like a wide sword shape. Then we left to do some things and came back to the same place for dinner. They delivered more mail... I had another mystery envelope that I was saving to open last. He had received some photos I had developed a long time ago and sent to him.

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