Monday, August 05, 2013


I dreamt that I was at the owner's home of the company I work for. There was a big party there with lots of young ladies. Myself and the VP were upstairs. He seemed very focused on the rules of the place and making sure that the owner was not going to find anything that he was unhappy about. He was being oddly kind to me. Not the usual superficial, get-by-to-get-back nice that he usually is. He actually listened and acted like he cared how I felt. It was nice for a change. We were upstairs checking the rooms. It seems some of the party had continued up the stairs and into the master bedroom, so we were making sure everything was back in its place. The owner arrived just as we were fixing it. We couldn't find the coverlet that went over the duvet, but found something that was just as good. I figured he wouldn't notice the details... which he didn't.

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