Friday, October 10, 2014

gray helmet

I dreamt that I was at a charity event with my mom. There were folding chairs lined up, activity.. more of the preparation for the event and planning than the event. My mom was sitting at a bench, she kept leaving stuff and I needed to remind her to take her things with her. She was being social, she was enjoying some limelight and seeing and being seen. We left and for some reason both laid down on a mattress out in the grass. There was a blanket over it just by a few inches, like a little low tent. My boss DP was coming out and he had a helmet on (a very cool looking helmet where the main part was a dark gray wooly look and the visor was a matt black that appeared to be leather). I was trying to keep my mom quiet because I didn't really want to talk to him. But he chatted a bit, talked about his daughter and was on his way.

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