I dreamt that I was at a bar with FE. There were picnic tables, a goat, people smoking. C&SK showed up. Then JS showed up. A group of guys needed chairs. They seemed like they were from some local sports team. The place was filled with bar flies. One older crack lady was showing me her bruises. She had wet her pants. The roof of the place started leaking.. it seemed it was more of a shed than an actual building. One of guys asked who I was. I introduced myself and FE. Realizing SK already knew him. JS saw a puppet on a wall and went after it.
I asked a red head if he knew MM, he didn't but I said that he would look. First looked at his phone because he had to do some buddy exercise. One was called mosquito where you clicked heels together. He had to tape what he did to send back to his buddy. It looked like a difficult move and funny. Then a video came up of MM. He was bearded and D, his best friend. They were playing hockey? No, maybe it was luge, and with the red head. So he did know him.
Later I woke up with a guy. I was worried, but then realized that I was fully dressed. We were at a luge track. A drone was above taking a video of it. It was grassy and muddy. I saw MM and said "oh this is an Oregon luge."
I walked the old crack lady to her home. She asked some man for a writing piece. I guess she helped addicts. The man had taken his last pay and bought drugs. She asked him "Where is my article?!" He said it was coming and she went on about how she could pay someone else for this instead, trying to give him tough love. She asked what he did with his last pay and he lied. She kicked him out and he was on the corner between a building and a dumpster. His eyes got wide. He was going through withdrawal and needed a fix, sweating and fidgety. Then his eyes got bigger. Was he high? No, more like that he was in some trance. Like he was now under control of this thing. As his eyes became larger, they turned black. He dropped to the ground, his body bloated, arms shrunk and he flopped down. Looking like a fat seal. Noticing the feel of cement, that there was a puddle near by he wanted to roll in to feel. And to just sit and experience. It was sad but not. He was helpless to the drug, but not as miserable as it would appear to an outsider.
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