Friday, August 07, 2015

red balloon

I dreamt that I was living in a house with a few other people. I was the new person. I went to my room and looked at my piles... or were they the previous tenants? or was it furnished? I didn't feel like some of the things were mine, like the stereo. I turned it on and was enjoying a groove and then felt self conscious... was it too loud, was I supposed to use it?

A guy walked in (contractor from one of the job sites). He seemed kind of like someone who didn't have much life in him... to clean, to care, to exert noise.  He seemed to grunt what I was thinking about the music, but that it was ok...

Then I noticed a few more roommates. One was a woman I work with. She was heading to work and wondered if I wanted to carpool. I didn't. I was explaining that I wanted to be able to leave on my own at the end of the day when I noticed I was already in the backseat of her car. She said she had to stop at Safeway and pick up something before taking her baby to a doc appointment. Her little girl was with his and her new baby son. I thought that was fine until I realized we were already late. By the time we were done with everything the day would be over, I hadn't called anyone letting them know what was up with me. She parked the car and I decided to head back home so I could take my own car to work.

When I arrived a friend of mine was there...AMS. I was working on some balloon prizes. Blowing them up and then putting objects, cash and so on in them. They were all red and resting on the ceiling. We looked at each other and were wondering how we could be together, which was odd since we were a few steps away from touching. I knew my brother was coming so I nodded my head at him to hint we should go to anther room... we could be together there. In the mean time, I wanted to pop a balloon... get my prize. The one I filled had car cleaner and 5 dollar bill in it. I popped it and was happy to have the cleaner be mine. 

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