Wednesday, March 02, 2016

my lemon

I dreamt a a little baby girl was crying from just waking up. I went to pick her up hoping that I could do something to comfort her and she immediately giggled.

Then I'm with Gene Kelly. We are a couple and about to go to the museum, but he has to prepare first and shower.

We are in the living room, light yellowy marble on the floor, white furniture, and across there room there is a small hallway with a woman looking at herself in a mirror. In the living area before her, there is a painting on an easel. Gene looks to me and with a sparkle in his eye, he says watch and nods in the direction of the painting and the woman.   A piece of abstract art, like a person made of brown, black, gold and white polygons peels off the painting and start walking towards the woman. Gene watches in anticipation for her reaction of surprise.  It reaches out a line of an arm and taps her on the shoulder. She exclaims and laughs and turns to look at us. I'm waiting to see her face, but as she turns her face is polygons as well. But I am her and he is the polygon and we are both the humans and the abstract.. I think how fun to be both and play before the museum.

Then I see a classic painting or a bowl of mussels and clams, very large and beautiful blue and white shells. I start to prepare them and go to pick them up and the shells are soft like painted on canvas. I tell him how nice they are and start putting them on plate. He says.. but I like my lemon. I half ignore because it is easy enough and he can get the lemon. I continue to say how nice ...and he says but ...and I follow.. "I like my lemon." I turn to see he has it cut already and I have little forks. I turn back to the shell and say "I guess i'll have to get my own lemon," and I turn and he has just finished putting lemon on both of ours... we kiss.

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