My first dream was vague. I was with my mom and we were walking into some old building. I was going to show her where I went to school. It was after hours and we were not supposed to be in there, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to give her a quick peek. The building had beautiful wood work and an impressive curved staircase that seemed to go up forever. We went under the staircase to get to another room and I heard noises. We looked through a crevice in the wall and saw a team of men grabbing for hockey sticks. It seems they were going to practice in the building.
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I was at a friend's house. They are a married couple and have a little Irish friend. He was sitting next to me on the couch and we were chatting, random light conversation. I looked down at our feet. I was embarrassed because my feet were larger than his. Then I looked at his feet and he lad really long toes. Like he could clasp his feet together like one does with their hands with every other finger from the opposite hand. I started feeling less self conscious about my feet. Then I was in the kitchen and there was some sort of mess. My friends were mad at me for not taking care of it and then the Irish guy was yelling at me. Apparently I had baked cookies and while the cookie sheet was still hot from the oven, had set it and the cookies in the trunk of my car, which caught some tissue paper on fire and then the whole trunk was ruined. He was saying.. you just can't do things like that. I was feeling horrible and wanted to curl up and disappear, but then he curled up behind me and said it was ok (as in, I'm still loved) but you just can't do those things. When he curled up behind me, he was like a Lego piece with the protruding bit snapping in through my back into my heart with a warm loving feeling. I immediately felt better.
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I was supposed to order lunch for a meeting for a group of people. I thought the meeting was in two days, but it ended up being today. I was feeling the "oh crap!" and rushing to see what I could do. The conference or meeting was in a big grassy area. It was like everyone was laying out on blankets for picnicking or to watch a concert. I saw this woman that was kind of hippy, wild like with red hair. She was the one holding the meeting and that was going to give a speech. She had been in the bathrooms and was using my hairdryer. I told her that I would need it back. She was smiling and happy to go get it. I was feeling better about lunches, I just need to see what people wanted. My friends were laying on some blankets that were mine. After ordering the lunch, I would be leaving, so I asked for my blanket back. They were folding it up to give it to me. Then I went back to some building that seemed almost like a large school or?? It had rooms for classes but also rooms that people lived in. I went to one place to gather some more things. Friends were in that one too and I was gathering my blankets from them as well. There was a girl there from my junior high. She looked just like she did back then, but even back then she had an adult feel to her. She was also looking through a magazine. I said, I need to get that too. As she was flicking through the pages, I saw beautiful photos of things I wanted to make (it was a food magazine). I remember some pancakes dusted with powdered sugar and what looked like pumpkin seed brittle, but the brittle part was clear like hard candy and shiny.
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Then I had a barely there dream... There were no visuals, but it said Good Morning Carrie, then a woman's name (knowing it was a writer) and something? Random Kinetic Form...