Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ocean Depp

I dreamt I was an actress. At first it seemed I was in a class again. I looked over and there was Johnny Depp. I'm  not sure if he was just sitting in or actually taking the class. He was being nice. I felt like he was kind, helpful and wanted to help me specifically. It made me feel special. Then the group walked out on to the beach. It seemed it was dusk. We were having an practice outing or a performance, I'm not sure. The waves were stormy and high and we were all in the ocean rolling with the waves. The sane (or maybe fearful) part of my brain said we should all get back to the beach because these are the kind of waves that pull you under. The other part of my brain, the part that knows if I want to "live" life, and move forward, I needed to be out in those waves. We were out there, swimming, floating and spinning in the waves as a group and it was thrilling. I felt alive and part of something. Then it was time to come back in. I saw a friend of mine (KM ..actress in LA). She was kind of helping me out as well. Showing me the ropes. 

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