Friday, September 07, 2012


I dreamt that I cut myself open to find my "shadow." I reached in and pulled out a glossy black octopus like thing. It was large and maniacal, whipping its tentacles around. It was hard to catch a glimpse but part of me was avoiding it because it was just too frightening.  I couldn't let it free but I didn't want to put it back inside me. It seemed it would be self sabotage. I wasn't sure what was appropriate. I knew that you were supposed to embrace your shadow self so it doesn't affect you in adverse ways. An angel showed up behind me. I couldn't see his face, I just felt his presence, knew he was abnormally tall and had dark hair. He couldn't do anything to my shadow, but he could stand there and make me feel safe. I took the octopus thing and nailed it to a post. I didn't hurt it, it was as if it had a loop on the top of its head that I could hang it on the nail with. I still couldn't really look at it, but I noticed it wasn't flipping around anymore. While thinking what to do the angel put its wings around me, but didn't give me any hints of what to do, just that it would be there. I noticed a beak. It was coming out of something barren and dusty. Was it me? I kind of think it was... it was a crow and it came out and picked up the "shadow" and flew towards the sun. It kept going until it was close enough and it flung the octopus thing toward is and it burst into flames and disintegrated. The crow flew back and it was my new shadow now. It felt dark still, but more controlled. I looked inside to see if there was anything else I needed to take out. I saw a little girl running behind something. I was just able to catch her by the heel. She was a bratty little girl, the kind you don't appreciate. I wasn't sure what to do with her. I knew I needed to deal with her though. That saying that if you don't like someone... you more than likely have some of their traits. 

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