Thursday, October 11, 2012


I dreamt that I was going to the beach with a group of people. It wasn't a pleasure visit, more like we had to do this to survive or get some message somewhere. We had to walk by a friend of mine's house SA. He wasn't so happy we were doing it although he wanted what we wanted and couldn't get it if we didn't go on our little mission. He was yelling out about something that was wrong with the trees. Some boys (his boy and friends of his) had made them a mess. He was acting like it was my responsibility that they had made the mess. I shook my head and shrugged it off. He was unhappy... not my fault.

I dreamt that I was starting a new job. At first I was in the office with two ladies. I felt like I was back in the 80s, old hair styles, clothing, office equipment. It felt easy and outdated. They were talking to me in a mother hen sort of way. They knew that the boss, a creepy older man, was inappropriately flirting and being suggestive. I didn't like it, but I thought... just let me start working and making money.... then we can deal with him. If we do it before I start, I might not have a job.

Then I was in a parking garage ?? or. I was just about to leave, as if it was my first day. I felt I was running late. I kept looking at my phone to check the time but it wouldn't show me. I got in my car to go, and then I saw a friend of mine that had a wheel go out. I was trying to get his attention before he got on the road. I didn't want him to get in an accident. I knew if I stopped to help him, I would be late for my first day, but I had to. He stopped and we looked at the tire. There was no way he could drive it. Then all of the wheels looked like odd coils, like a new kind of tire instead of rubber, although his car was vintage looking. I told him to get in my car and I would give him a ride home. I still wanted to know how late I would be, so I kept checking my phone. I guess I had downloaded some work software on my phone that made it run slow. In the mean time, I needed to move some duffle bags from the front seat. I put them outside and some dog kept going through the bags and taking things out, making me even later. I tried to shoo him away, get my bags, get in the car, get the time... my friend was telling me to call work to tell them I would be late, but I couldn't even get to my phone list. Then it was as if I didn't have to work that day, like I went in, but they didn't expect me, but then I was back in the car with the same scenario of being late. An email popped up on my phone without me pushing anything. It was some video a friend took of early morning downtown.... some guy that had been out the night before and had too good of a time throwing up in a garbage can, then two feet away, another man going through a garbage can for food.

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