Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I dreamt that I was on a road trip with some friends (JP and RB). We drove down one road that had a sign that said such and such town/village... it ended up being a dead end and there was just one home at the end saying it sold antiques (that they had many shops etc.).. It ended up being just one run down house with trinkets. I looked around for fun.. found some old items. It was kind of fun. Then one girl that we were not with said.. (as though this pile of stuff was mine to take)... are you sure you want none of it? I saw a few nice items in there. Once you look for sure, then I will take what you don't like.

I saw a pretty broach... at least I thought it was one. I wasn't sure of the design, but it looked nice. I couldn't figure out how to secure it onto cloth, but could tell it was still in tact. Then I saw several kinds of nativity scenes. I thought jackpot. My step mom collects them and she had probably never seen any of these, they were so unique. The girl was right, there were treasures. Part of me felt bad if I was taking something she liked...

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