Monday, January 06, 2014


I dreamt that I was on earth with what was left of it. It didn't seem like we had to tip toe around chemical or nuclear hazard or anything, it just seemed like there were not many people left. I'm not sure why. The group of us hung together, took care of each other for the most part and seemed friendly. Maybe there just were not resources. I didn't feel like there was an internet, any manufacturing whatsoever, production or farming.  So we were hunter gatherers again but with maybe less options and no one else to interact with. We were making sure we had everyone before we moved on from our current location, which seemed to be a watery area. It wasn't a lake, it wasn't a river, it wasn't a swamp, ... nothing green really growing in it. It was actually clear... as if nothing could grow in it.  One girl was missing so we each walked around yelling her name looking for her, all knowing not to go too far from our location. It felt pretty out, it was night, I could see the stars, the air smelled fresh... and I looked up and then felt myself floating up. I wasn't especially scared, because I didn't know what to think of what was happening, until I started reaching the edge of earth's atmosphere at a a rapid pace. I started thinking... so in space do you explode or implode? would it hurt? I just hoped it would be fast because it seemed that I had no choice.

Poof... I was in space.... but then it seemed like I turned upside down and I was right side up. I was coming down to land on another planet, softly.... oddly enough. The planet looked a bit barren, sandy beige dirt that looked hard and dry with some structures on it. The structures were long and tube like. More like a somewhat flattened tube that took the shape of an oval. The whole structure was supported by legs, so none of the buildings touched the ground. Should I hide? Should I be here? I saw a mobile structure come towards me. It was a large vehicle that was much larger than a car or semi... it was more like its own almost two story building, the same color and material as the other structures. It was coming to pick me up... more as if it knew I was coming than if I was something to go investigate. There were normal people on board, but they seemed different than me. They were clear, knew what was going on, on a mission... not friendly and human like on earth. Once in the building they seemed set on making sure I had supplies, clothing, felt comfortable. A man showed up soon after me, looked a little more disheveled like myself. He looked like he had come from some place that had real dirt, plants, moisture... I was introduced to him. He looked disappointed. He said... "This is not what I asked for. I said I wanted a woman that was sturdy, a bit roundy." As he was saying this a vision appeared and was forming as he was describing. "...And brown, ethnic. If we are going to do this again, we need to mix it up. We can't have straight races."  I saw the completed image of the girl that he had described. It was the same one our group was looking for on Earth. I was having an uneasy feeling... the kind you feel when you lie. I could tell them that I know her and where to find her. But then what would they do with me? Obviously they were choosing certain people to repopulate ... this new planet?  I was older than I looked as well. I thought I had just better keep my mouth shut and keep myself from being exported back into space.

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