Monday, October 06, 2014

hover vehicle

I dreamt that I left to female coworkers to run some errands on a business trip. It was evening and I didn't know the area. My vehicle was a low air filled things. It was oval shaped, not long enough to lay flat on, but you could sit on it just fine and it was about 6 inches off of the ground. It was fast and small, so it was kind of fun to drive, although I did feel a bit vulnerable so close to the ground and with not protective shell. I was supposed to get supplies and get food for us. I was looking for a good place that had take-out in the evening and felt clueless. I was giving up hope when I stopped by a restaurant that had outdoor seating and asked one of the patrons. A short haired blond told me to go to a pizza place. I had seen it earlier, the first place I came across of course. I guess they had other things besides pizza and it would just have to work.

I texted the girls to see what they wanted and I think I just ended up getting something and going back.

I was back at work and the office had an open plan that was two stories. The second story had offices around the perimeter and open railings with a view of the first floor. Obama was my coworker. He was talking to employees, trying to gather information and help them. This wasn't in line with the president's ideas of what should be happening in the office. Obama was sharing information that would change the environment for the company president (DP).  DP yelled from the second story balcony across the main floor "Obama, when you are done there I need to speak to you!"

Obama was clear in his vision though and didn't seem faltered

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