Monday, January 04, 2016


I dreamt that I was in a deserted area. I was walking through some barren areas, gravel, hills, torn down fences... I noticed a couple of people behind me.. I could feel they were either younger or less experienced than I. Either way they were looking for help and guidance. I let them come with me. This would mean more to take care of,  but seemed better some how.

We kept walking and I saw in the distance what looked like a city, possibly civilization.  I was about to descend the hill I was on, excited to speed up and get to this city. Then I found myself on the ground, as if I just woke up. We had decided to make camp there and start out the next morning. I didn't feel like it was by choice. It was still dark, and I could hear the others sleeping next to me. Then I felt something on my neck. Was it my hair being moved by the breeze?  Then I felt it again. It was a small animal... a mouse? no, a rat.. it was larger. I was in that groggy state of first awakening and couldn't seem to move. I could barely make a noise, but imagined being able to swipe it away,  but I couldn't. 

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