Sunday, August 18, 2013

rail end

I dreamt I worked for some sort of old time shipping company. The business near a river and a train track. I worked for them and I had needed to go with a train shipment and/or go after one that was incorrect. I was on a small train but outside, trying to catch up to the other. I liked the wind, the view of the river, it was nice. Then the train tracks came to an end over the river. The train came to a halt and the jolt threw me. I went flying through the air and my goal was to reach the other side where the tracks continued. With my all of my thoughts and flailing arms, I tried to reach it, but somewhere mid air, I knew there was no way. I was hovering at a very high point and looked down. I hadn't realized how high up I was. I felt there was no way to make a fall like this in water. As I fell I tried to think of the best position to be in... a dive? an angle to swim? Right before I hit I seemed to have caught air and dove in. I was alive and so happy I made it. I got up and realized I was in shallow water and walked to the edge. I made it back to work and the current vp of my company (BG) was there. He hadn't realized that I had left with that shipment and was worried about me. I went up to him and we leaned into each other, the right sides of our foreheads touching. He said something along the lines that he cared about me, and we turned towards each other. He gave me a touching kiss on the right cheek. It felt like warm love.

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