Friday, October 25, 2013


I dreamt that I was in a small town. Some place I had visited before and was revisiting favorite places. One was a little store. It had candies, licorice, desserts and coffee. It also had a very sweet store owner that made it worth visiting.  I then was in the other shops near there. My mother was with me and she held up a ring to me... "do you like this one?"... and then went on that I should buy myself my own wedding ring since I was single. It was no reason not to wear a nice ring on that finger. I told her no to that ring. It was too big, although I did like the style. It was a simple band, but had a square diamond with rounded corners in the middle, with tiny diamonds surrounding the edge. I thought it might be nicer to have his... and then corrected myself, my birthstone in the middle. A friend had done this and liked the idea.

Then I found myself alone and sitting on the sidewalk. I realized I was near the shop I liked. I looked up and saw the sign. I hadn't realized all of the photos of the shop were from the other shops, and not from the street where most people would recognize it. I walked over and was now with my friend WW... thinking maybe I would get some licorice. A friend of mine was there, TB. She was having a chocolate torte of sorts with fruit in the middle. It looked good and I thought I might change my mind on the licorice and get the torte.

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