Wednesday, December 11, 2013

italian cake

I was dropping a lady off at a place she was going to work, a new job. We had to go through a gate and through the front door. The building was older feeling, uptight feeling, but rooted.. been doing the same thing, in the same way, for years. As we walked in I was kind of holding her hand, metaphorically. She didn't seem to know what to do and seemed bumbley.  The lady was middle aged, kind of a 1970s version of middle aged, older hair style, set in her ways, and a bit not with it. The kind of person who probably keeps a job forever and is happy with it, or at least doesn't expect for more. I was telling people what she was there for, made sure she was handing them the correct papers, and so on. I realized I had worked there before a long time ago, maybe  temp job...

The building was odd... built on the side of a steep hill.  There were no windows on one side, which curved along with the hill. It was narrow and had off levels and nooks and crannies. I said hello to some of the people although it had been years since I had worked there. I don't think anyone really recognized me.  It felt stuffy to me now, although when I was younger (in my dream).. it felt new and exciting, not having had much experience. I left her there, hoping she would be ok and partly just wanting to get the heck out of there... I had done my part.

I walked back through an iron gate, passed some more people. I was glad that part of my life was over.

Then I was on some grassy area. Were people watching a concert? was there an event? I'm not sure now, but the feeling was festive. I had walked up to some sort of snack bar, which seemed to be more of a coffee shop, to bring back some things for my friends. I saw a special Italian cake... a little less sweet, but kind of buttery and good with dried fruits. Nothing they would choose on purpose, but they had never tasted it and thought it might be nice. There were three wedges left and I asked for them all. A friend of mine was running the place (AL survmonk) and was making sure I got what I needed. He seemed full of energy, as usual and seemed to be successful with this business. I envied his togetherness and his suredness.

Then a dog showed up... not sure at this point what was happening, ...

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