Wednesday, December 11, 2013

very very

I dreamt that I was at a strip mall. There were two levels and I was on the upper waiting for someone. I was sitting on a small futon sofa that was mine. A man, looked like a security guard was walking up to me and I thought he was going to ask me to pay to sit there.. Then I was in the parking lot. I seemed to be selling some of my things like a tiny garage sale, just a few items. There was also a woman there that was selling decorated sheet cakes. They seemed to be selling well. One woman came up all worried that they were sold out, but I pointed out another stack of them behind some things. Then the little enterprise seemed to take up a larger area of the parking lot. There was a large white tent and tables with lots of sheet cakes. It seemed like there were about 6 of these ladies, some getting people's attention at the road side and others at the tables. They were making really good money. They said they would cook these in their bakery building one day a week and then rent the place out the other hours. So the cakes were all cash and they were making money on the building. Pretty good. They seemed very active, very sure, very together and very happy.

We left the place as they were done for the day. We were all walking down to the Pearl (the nicer part of downtown Portland). I was heading to where I worked for some reason, maybe for my car?? We all seemed good.

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