Tuesday, January 06, 2015

bike to school

I dreamt that I was with a couple. They were older than me, a bit well to do and had a large property. It seems that they had some small winery, something that would give them something to do as well as be able to interact with people. It had a nice feeling and so did they. They were very welcoming, warm and nice to be around.

I left there and was helping a friend take her boys to school. The whole family went together on their bikes. I asked the dad to go first followed by the kids, the mom and then me since I didn't know where we were going and wasn't so sure of myself on the bike I was using. We went up a narrow sidewalk and then around corners. Our next stop was a building that was a stop for mass transit. We were to take a train next to the final destination. While going up the escalator I saw a guy I knew. He was tall, skinny, dark hair and had a nice smile. My friend nudged me in the arm. It was the second time I had accidentally run into him... and it was the second time this had happened with a nice guy. Hmm, I thought I should welcome the serendipity.

My friend and I were chatting as the train was going. She was talking about some coworker she had mentioned to me before. She was about to say he had become a Jew.... but she was a loud talker in general and she corrected herself and said... He had become a Jewrnalist...it sort of worked. I started laughing and woke myself up laughing.

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